Printable Drop Quote Puzzles

Drop Quotes are similar to cryptograms, in that the goal is for the solver to uncover a hidden quote. A black-and-white crossword-style grid is set up for each quote, with a number of letters "hovering" above each column. Your task is to "drop" each of those letters into the appropriate square in each column, until the entire quote is revealed. All punctuation (commas, periods, dashes, etc.) has been removed. Good luck!

If you want even more Drop Quote fun, be sure to check out our sister site:

Easy & Medium Drop Quotes

These Drop Quote puzzles tend to be shorter and have fewer rows - hence they are much easier to solve. Try your hand at these first if you're new to Drop Quotes, and then move on to the more difficult ones later.

  2025-03-25    Drop Quote Puzzle #E891CO
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  2025-03-24    Drop Quote Puzzle #T043FI
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  2025-03-23    Drop Quote Puzzle #O716DI
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  2025-03-22    Drop Quote Puzzle #H673YG
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Want more? Get the previous 30 easy-to-medium drop quote puzzles for just $1.99 via PayPal   

Difficult Drop Quotes

These Drop Quote puzzles are longer and involve many more rows. They tend to be much more difficult to solve, and may take 30-60 minutes or longer even for experienced solvers! See if you have what it takes to tackle these stumpers...

  2025-03-25    Drop Quote Puzzle #K239LF
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  2025-03-24    Drop Quote Puzzle #M759HC
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  2025-03-23    Drop Quote Puzzle #Q717KJ
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  2025-03-22    Drop Quote Puzzle #Y198RT
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Want more? Get the previous 30 challenging drop quote puzzles for just $1.99 via PayPal   

Solutions for Drop Quote Puzzles

Just find the unique puzzle id for the puzzle you're working on and enter it below to find the solution.

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Download Adobe Reader

All of our printable puzzles are available in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader - a free download - to view and print them. Most computers will already have this installed, but if yours doesn't, click here to get Adobe Reader »